Returns Policy

If the customer did not satisfied the product after receiving it within 30 days, he can contact the customer service on the website and require for the exchange. We will give the response after verify the order and shipping information.
We guarantee total customer satisfaction with the items that you purchase at If you are not completely satisfied with your online purchase, you may return any item that is in the original condition that it was received from – unused, unwashed and accompanied by original packaging including tags.
You may return merchandise purchased from our website within 30 days of the original shipped date during non-holiday months. Purchases made during the holiday months (November – December) must be received no later than January 31st of the New Year.
You will be refunded for the merchandise total, plus applicable sales tax paid. If you return any part of an order that was part of a promotion, your refund may be reduced. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable unless you receive a defective or wrong item. Please use "standard ground" delivery when returning items. Reimbursement will only be made at this rate.
Select the Order you wish to return.
Select a reason for your return following a brief description (if provided) and Continue.
Review your return Information and if all is correct, click Continue.
Click the "Print labels" button to print your return labels. Each label will print on a separate page.
Place the "Return Merchandise Authorization" in the package with your return.
Secure the return address label to the outside of the box (clear tape is usually best)
Ship the parcel to our returns center. We recommend that you use a service provider that provides both insurance and tracking.
Refunds will be remitted in the same form as the original purchase when possible. Please note that gift orders will be refunded to the original purchaser.
NOTE:After received the payment within 3-10days, consumer will also receive the product or service correspondingly.